Monday, April 5, 2010

A Thankful Easter Sunday!

Hi there!

Hope everyone had a blessed Easter Sunday, shared with family friends and loved ones. I am vary thankful to report that I got to spend Easter Sunday with my family and my recovering Mother. She even got to take a wheelchair ride outside of the hospital, to catch some sun and some fresh air. Boy, was she relieved, being cooped up in the hospital for over 3 weeks!

It just happen to be a gorgeous Easter Sunday in Tucson, with the sun shining and the temps around 79 degrees. She is doing so well, and is making a steady recovery. Her speech is still a little disoriented, but that will just take some time to get back. The doctor's all say, that she is an amazing women, but we knew that already-lol! She was hapy to visit with us yesterday, and had a big smile on her face. At the progress rate she is going, hopefully she will be able to come home this week. I know she is ready to be in the comfort of her own home again.

I had my husband snap a quick family picture of me, my brother, mom, dad & my son. This Easter we are very thankful to have her with us for another year & by God's grace many more. She looks so well in this picture, and you can definitley see her making steps and progress from even a week ago. She is able to get up and walk for short distances and took her own shower yesterday, with a nurse on stand-by. I just love her optimistic attidude and high spirit. I know it will help with her recovery. She has the cutest sense of humor about her speech. She realizes when she says something wrong or that doesn't make sense, then she starts to giggle about it.

Thank you for all the prayers, encouraging words & positive thoughts. They mean so much to us!

He is risen!



  1. Your mom looks very well, I'm sure she will recover soon!!
    That's a nice picture.

  2. I'm so glad to hear your mum is getting better, Syd! Glad you got to have a nice family Easter. =D
    -Andi x

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am SO elated to see and read that your mom is recovering so well. You honestly have been in so many of my thoughts and prayers, and I continue to send you all the very very best. xoxo Jill

  5. You have a awesome style! very unique!
    I just LOVE the '40!
    I'm following!

  6. Hi Syd! whenever you have time visit my blog, I passed an award to you.

  7. You are all so thoughtful! Thank you!


  8. Bless your mother, I truly hope she'll continue to do well and make an excellent recovery.

    Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and heart, honey,
    ♥ Jessica
