Saturday, June 13, 2009

I was working on a scrapbook today and I cam across this picture that I had put away for the scrapbook. As I'm sure most of you busy ladies know. Sometimes when you have have so many projects going at once. You start to make little ORGANIZED piles of stuff to do, along with things that you collect to go in that pile. Well this summer, since I am not working full time. I have made it a goal to not just say, but DO! All of the things that were on my list and finish them before the summer is over. Although I must say. Since I enjoy all of the things I want to do. It doesn't feel like work. Anything where I can be artistic and express my creativity, helps to fulfill my soul. Scrap booking is something that I started to do a couple years ago. I really enjoyed it. because I am a creative person at heart. This gave me a chance to do that, using paper designs, colors, and enjoying family memories. Of course because I was so busy at work. After I made a couple of books. Most of my materials ended up in a box with a mental note of "I'll get to that later" No more of that! It is my priority to get these done. I want my family to have and cherish these memories for years to come. Enough rambling LOL! I guess I had to get that off my chest. Here is a picture of me & my son that we took on Easter Sunday morning. I really love this picture and it is definitely going in my book. Just thought that I would share it with you all! I thought that you fabulous vintage dames out there would especially appreciate the fabulous hat.




  1. Oh! very nice picture! both of you look very nice!
    And yes...that hat is fabulous!!
    I know what you mean about having projects to do and never finish them, but I hope you finish yours and then you can show us some of those scrap projects!!

  2. You look sooo vintage

  3. Wow, you are stunning!! Loving the picture of you and your little guy :)

  4. Thank you to all of you lovely ladies!!

